1716 Isaac Stearns Site 1783 Ambrose Morton
1734 Samuel Waters 1790 John Battles
1740 Consider Atherton 1794 James Smith
1741 Isaac Paul 1795 James Swan
1744 Thomas Glover 1795 Samuel Wales, Jr.
1746 Robert Swan 1800 Elijah Belcher
1752 Nathan Buckman 1800 Samuel Capen
1756 Nathaniel Holmes, Jr. 1801 Consider Southworth
1757 Edward Capen 1805 Nathan Drake
1761 Ephraim Payson, Jr. 1805 Richard Talbot
1763 William Monk 1807 Stephen Blake
1764 Turel Allen 1807 Swan Tavern
1764 Benjamin Gay 1809 John Low
1764 William Smith, 2nd 1814 Samuel Atherton
1767 Hezekiah Gay, Jr. 1814 Wallace Capen
1767 Timothy Gay 1814 Luther Clark
1768 William Briggs 1814 Simion Presbery
1768 John Guild 1815 Samuel Monk
1768 John Osgood 1817 Ephraim Curtis
1768 William Packard 1818 Methodist Meeting House
1768 Samuel Shepard 1818 West School House
1768 John Atherton 1820 Jonathan Linfield
1769 Jesse Smith 1821 Israel Dickerman
1771 Thomas Crane 1821 Henry Drake
1771 Jesse Gay 1821 James Hill
1775 William Drake 1822 Russell Drake
1775 William Merion 1822 Luther Southworth
1775 Christopher Wadsworth (1) 1823 Isaac Talbot
1775 Christopher Wadsworth (2) 1824 Elisha Capen
1778 Mikel (Michael) Henry

Italics and bold represent houses no longer standing since the book was written

RED -  Indicate houses standing which are in dispute for their age.

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