Third Stoughton Depot (torn down in 1890). 


[February 1845]

S T O U G H T O N    B R A N C H



To the Honorable the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts:

The Directors of the Stoughton Branch Rail-road Corporation do hereby make their First Annual Report of their acts and doings, receipts and expenditures.


400 shares of the capital stock having been subscribed for, on the 28th of May last, the corporation was duly organized by the election of seven directors, who then chose a president, an agent, a treasurer, and a clerk, and shortly after an engineer.


Previous to this date, the route had been resurveyed, and soon after the road definitely located. It diverges from the Boston and Providence Rail-road at the Canton depot, passes about 200 yards to the east of Kinsley's forge; crosses the upper end of Franklin Bisby's (forge) pond ; passes about 100 yards to the west of the widow Polly Bird's house; and terminates in the rear of the orthodox meeting-house, in the village of Stoughton, being just four miles in length. The steepest ascent is 45 feet per mile, and the curvatures, except those at each end of the road, not less than 1830 feet radius.


Immediately after their election, the directors took measures to have the construction of the road commenced forthwith, and placed it under contract to responsible individuals, who expected to complete it by this time, but it is not probable now that it will be finished before the first of March. About three miles of track, besides a turnout at Stoughton and one at Canton, have been laid down, similar in materials and dimensions to the track on the Boston and Providence Rail-road. A depot at Stoughton and one at Canton are nearly ready for use.


[p. 88]

    The first estimated coat of the road was in round numbers, $80,000, and this sum it was thought would cover all contingencies; but owing to 
the excess of land damages over the estimate, it is now supposed the cost of the road will probably be $84,000. Until all the claims for land and 
damages shall be settled, the actual cost of the road must remain doubtful.

    The amount of subscriptions for the capital stock of the corporation, being but 400 shares or $40,000, and the estimated cost of the road 
being $80,000, the directors obtained from the Boston and Providence Rail-road Corporation a loan of $40,000, which was to have been 
received at such times and in such proportions as the capital stock subscribed for was paid in. It is understood by both parties, that, in case 
permission should be obtained from your honorable body at this session, this Joan shall be converted into capital stock; and if not, it is to be 
refunded to the Boston and Providence Rail-road Company, in five annual instal[l]ments, with interest.                            

The receipts from stockholders have been :   		$38,075 00 
From the Boston and Providence Rail-road Co.                          25,000 00
The expenditures have been as follows :                                   $ 63,075 00
Incidental expenses,                                                                        $ 828 40
Salaries of officers,                                                                         1,060 00 
Graduation, masonry, fencing, and wooden materials for,    
  and laying of track,                                                                     22,483 45
Depots and turn table,                                                                    5,520 54
Iron materials for the track,                                                          26,203 14
Land and damages,                                                                        2,519 75
Interest,                                                                                            132 46
Cash in the hands of the treasurer,                                                  4,328 26
                                                                                                    $63,075 00
All which is respectfully submitted,
                                                          F. W. LINCOLN,  
                                                          SIMEON TUCKER, 
                                                          ISRAEL TISDALE, Jr.   
                                                          LYMAN KINSLEY,         
                                                          NATHANIEL MORTON,                     
                                                          OAKES AMES,                                                         
                                                          MARTIN WALES.

[p. 89]

    Norfolk, ss. January 13, 1844. Then Frederick W. Lincoln, Simeon Tucker, Israel Tisdale, Jr.,

Lyman Kinsley, and Nathaniel Morton, a majority of the directors of the Stoughton Branch Railroad,

personally appeared and made oath that the foregoing report by them respectively subscribed, is true,

according to their best knowledge and belief.


                                                    Before me,

                                                                    ELLIS AMES,

                                                                                            Justice of the Peace.


[Source: Massachusetts Senate Reports (February 1845 - No. 35), p. 87-89].


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