In celebration of the 90th Birthday of Helen H. Hansen:

Photo that was supposed to run in The Stoughton Journal article, May 11, 2007

The Adams School on Central Street. This is where Helen H. Hansen was first taught in Stoughton as a substitute teacher. This school was located behind where the AMVETS headquarters are today. Photo courtesy of David Allen Lambert.


Looking Back - News items from 

The Stoughton News-Sentinel 

May 11, 1917

Local News about town

The Stoughton High School baseball team defeated Canton High by a score of 6 to 2 in a very interesting Interscholastic League game on the Washington Street grounds Monday afternoon.  The game was originally scheduled for Tuesday afternoon.  Up to the eighth inning the game had been a tie for two points each, but Stoughton pushed ahead strong and Canton let go a bit.  Walsh for Canton and Eddie McCarthy for Stoughton had been about even up in the box up to that time. McCarthy is pretty steady, however, and holds out better than most boys in the box.  Falvey and Smith were hitting stars for Stoughton , getting two hits each, the Stoughton team getting but six.  In the field Barrett, who went to short played a fast game as did Smith, who took eight chances at second.  The entire Stoughton team a good fielding game.  Tate, Cushman, and Daley starred for Canton .


Dancing and Music at Chicatabut.  The Ladies Chicatabut Club held is regular social afternoon on Thursday at three o’clock and for the occasion the hostesses were Mrs. Channing Willis, Mrs. John W. Wood, Mrs. M.J. Ziner, Mrs. George E. Belcher and Miss Gertrude Belcher.  The entertainment was novel.  There were some exhibition dances by members of Miss Mollie Hurley’s dancing class, the Misses Colby and Mahoney of Brockton, and by little Miss Geraldine Henrietta Carleton also of Brockton. 


Visiting Degree Team for M.C.O.F. Works.  The initiation of a class of thirty new members into Stoughton Lodge, Massachusetts Catholic Order of Foresters, will be the occasion for some spectacular initiatory and floor work on the evening of Thursday May 17, in Foresters Hall.


Forest Fire Season Coming.  For the past seven years the average annual forest fire loss in Massachusetts was $185,364.  Owing to a favorable season last year the loss was only $44.765.00 but this is no indication of what we may expect this year.  The season is late hence the period of danger will be extended.  In Stoughton and vicinity, however, there have already been several grass fires which promised to do considerable damage had it not been for the timely arrival of the department.  According to the State Fire Warden more than a third of the 1225 forest fires in the state last year were caused by the railroads.


Visiting Nurse Work Increases.  The work of the Stoughton Visiting Nurses has grown to such proportions that the Visiting Nurse Association by which she is employed has taken favorable action on a recommendation made by the Nurse committee of the the association that the salary of the nurse be increased five dollars a month.  The regular monthly meeting of the association was held in the historical room of the Stoughton Public Library on Tuesday night and the vote to make the increase was passed at that time.  The nurse committee reported that the nurse had made during April 203 nursing visits and 39 advisory visits.  The nurse has put to a very practical use in taking care of a tuberculosis case the money which came to the association through the sale of Red Cross stamps at Christmas times.


Stoughton Trust  Co. Grounds Improvements.  At the monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stoughton Trust Co. on Monday night it was decided to have the grounds about the new building improved immediately.  Plans submitted by Chester B. Turner, landscape gardener, were approved and a committee to have the work done was appointed, consisting of George Berry, Thomas Stretton and Dr. W.O. Faxon.  The improvements contemplate a six foot sidewalk all around the street sides of the building, the front, and the Washington and the Park Street sides, the front being circular in form.  At the inside edge of the walk will be a low hedge, with shrubbery at the right and left of the main bank entrance.  There will be complete curb and gutter along the sidewalk, and the right of way at the rear of the building will be improved in the shape of a well laid out driveway.


Stoughton Men in Auto Suit.  There were opened for trial in the Norfolk Superior Civil Court, Judge Quinn presiding, Monday afternoon, four cases of interest in which two Stoughton men were sued.  Mrs. Leona M. Malone of Pawtucket , R.I. sues Dr. Albert M. Miller of Needham and James Sullivan of Stoughton in a tort action to recover $20,000 damaged for alleged personal injuries on Moody Street , Waltham , July 21, 1916 .  She claims that the automobile of Miller collided with that operated by Sullivan, forcing it to run upon the sidewalk and strike her.  Mrs. Malone seeks $20,000 damages from Thomas R. Sullivan of Stoughton , alleging he was the owner of the automobile operated by James Sullivan.

The third case is brought by Robert M. Malone against Dr. Miller and James Sullivan, and the fourth is R. Sullivan.  He is the husband of the first named plaintiff and sues in each case for the loss of the wife’s services and expenses of nursing and medical treatment.

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