Stoughton Historical Society Newsletter  

September 1992

(Vol. 1 - No. 2)


Dear Friends,

September 2lst, we will begin another year of fellowship and entertainment at our Annual Fall Dinner prepared for us especially by the 20/40 Club of the First Parish Universalist Church. The main entre is Beef Bourguignon. Complete meal including juice, salad, vegetables, and beverage only $10.00 The time - 6:30 p.m. The place Fellowship Hall (lower level of First Parish Church). Please mail your checks -payable to the Stoughton Historical Society, Box 542, Stoughton BEFORE September 14th. We must know the correct number on that date. Following our dinner, we will have a musical program with Dave Benjamin and Carl Anderson at the piano - and a sing-a-long.

Please clip and send the dinner coupon TODAY. Thanks!

Stoughton Waterworks Centennial Celebration -

The Stoughton Historical Society, The Stoughton Woman's Club and James Williams, Superintendent Public Works will host "OPEN HOUSE" at the waterworks facility - Central Street - on Sunday, October 18th from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Built in 1872 by the Town of Stoughton as its first municipal pumping station. It is one of our towns most historic buildings. Today, this pumping station supplies 20% of the water for the town. Alice Petruzzo and Howie Hansen are compiling its history for distribution at that time. We are planning to make this an extra special for our town. Light refreshments will be served.

Amelia Drummey, Membership Clerk will gladly accept your dues. Amelia and our Society extend the hand of welcome to our new members -

Doris, Walter and Walter, Jr. Bamberg

Robert M. O'Day

Elizabeth and John Hardy

Frank Guertin

Jennifer and Melvin Frankel

WE are all duly proud - and rightly so - of our Society and we know you want to "show it off". Please add your name and the dates you can be with us during our OPEN hours. Work shops will be set up for those who wish. Our historical museum offers to organizations, schools, youth groups, etc, in-house programs and tours of our exhibition rooms and our research and reference resources are available to the public on open days or by appointment.

Monday, October 19th - regular meeting. Our program will be Mr. Otto Erbar, Director of Programs and Exhibitions - Fuller Museum of Art. His prograM WILL BE "The Arts & Crafts Movement in America". Please be with us to welcome a neighbor from Brockton.


Bells, bells, bells! Poe wrote a lengthy poem about the tinkling, the ringing and the tolling of the bells. We have bells that tinkle and bells that ring out their message, but none large enough for tolling.

The large bell from the first Clapp School is on display in the reading area of the Clapp Room. A smaller one used by a teacher at the same school is also in our collections, as is a similar bell used at St. Mary's School. These two latter bells were rung by hand to call school to session and to call the students to and from recess. The very loud electric bell from the newer Clapp School is ready for demonstration, but you will need ear plugs if ever we sound it.

Smaller bells meant to jingle do just that and one set of eight is mounted on a leather strap to be used in an orchestra - to accompany "Jingle Bells"!

The most important and permanently-displayed bell is the one at our front door, mounted there for your use to get our attention when you come a-visiting.

ACQUISITIONS - We have received several unusual, decorative household items from Elsie Simmons. From an estate we have been given twenty-four W.R.C.(Women' Relief Corps, 1883) badges of office. So far, these badges

are our only reminders of the organization.



Monday, September 2lst - Fall Dinner at 6:30 MAKE RESERVATIONS TODAY! Sunday, October 18th - Stoughton Waterworks Centennial Monday, October 19th - Society meeting at 7:30

Coming events - our next newsletter will feature Historian Hansen's dissertation on the Pearl Street Cemetery. Ride by and witness the new ornamental gates and fencing.

From our Sage - Words of wisdom:

Be careful of the words you say!

Keep them soft and sweet. You never know from day to day Which ones you'll have to eat!

                                                                                                                                                Aina McMann

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