:::: NEWSLETTER::::: 


(Regular meetings third Monday at 7:30 PM) 


Volume III, Number - 5 - June 1972


NEXT MEETING will be a Special Meeting called in September; but in the meantime, there is much to be done to renovate "our" building in preparation for opening to the public this next season...even though we expect to be open only on a part time basis. Worknights will not necessarily always be on Wednesday due to other commitments. Therefore, we advise all who are ready to help out to check with Ed Meserve at 344-2494 as to the correct evening.

THE PILGRIMAGE this year was a second successful trip to Sandwich, which has so much to offer. After a satisfying dinner at Anthony's On The Canal the Society traveled by bus to the Glass Museum where they were welcomed by a very gracious lady, Mrs. Doris Kershaw, who delivered an interesting indoctrination talk before we toured the exhibits. Onto the bus once again because of the inclement weather and on to the Yesteryears Museum just around the corner. Although this is primarily a doll museum it held great interest for all, including the gentlemen present, because it also includes doll houses built to various scales and containing many tiny hand-made artifacts. A truly surprising and fascinating place worth another visit if you are in the area this summer. Attending from our membership were fifty-one with four guests accompanying us: Mrs. Signe Svensson, of Gothburg, Sweden; Miss Margaret McEntee, of North Easton; and Mrs. Anna Dean and Mrs. Viola Sullivan of Stoughton.

RECENT NEW MEMBERS welcomed into our Society are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond (Lilah) McEvoy, Mrs. Jean Gurney, Mr. James Kourafas, Mrs. Margaret Welch, Mr. and Mrs. Francis (Helen) Crimmins, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence (Evelyn) Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Pearl) Hemeon, Mrs. Pauline Swanson and Miss Olive Swanson.

MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY. . .a gracious volunteer answered the call for this need. Mrs. Frances Podgurski is now handling all details of membership secretary and should be notified by mail (with accompanying dues)...checks should be made out to Stoughton Historical Society)... the address,.... Membership Secretary, Stoughton Historical Society, P. 0. Box 349, Stoughton, MA 02072. Sign up your wife or husband or a friend and let's pass the 200 mark.

JUNE BIRTHDAYS are shared by Merle Thomas (recuperating in Falmouth), Cora Pratt, Kenneth Healy and Edwin A. Jones (one of our benefactors). Please send a card with your name, month and day of birth (NOT year).

GIFTS gratefully received recently have come from Elliot Goldfarb, Ruth Burnham (a gift from the Geo. Pratt estate), Mary Flynn, William Brandt, Esther Hill, Frieda Pye, Alice (Murphy) Buckley, Eleanor Mahoney, Allan and Ruth Parent, Edward Meserve and Katherine Leahy. These donations will be properly identified and displayed at the September meeting. Gifts will be received all summer by appointment with Ed Meserve.

JUNE 10. . . Easton Depot. . . Easton Society's annual flea market... we are participating and are asking donations, transportation and volunteers (some have already responded) to serve for no more than two hours at a time between the hours of 10 A.M. and 5 P.M. Call after 4:30 weekdays for pickup of donations or an appointed time at the Clapp Memorial Building. Call who? Ed Meserve, 344-2494!

WE NOTE with regret the passing of former Commissioner of Agriculture and Life Member of our Society Charles McNamara early in May. He served as an officer and trustee of the Historical Society for a long term.

A BRIGHTER NOTE. . . Gus Winroth, stricken suddenly and undergoing delicate surgery recently, is around and about after a remarkably short period of recuperation...returning from "the brink" as only a true Yankee might. He wishes ye ol' to convey his sincere appreciation of all the kindnesses shown him and his family. Now, once again, Gus and ye ol1 Ed may engage in a few agreeable disagreements.

A TOUR of old homes is being planned by two of our members, Mrs. Patrick (Marie) Sheehan and Mrs. Angeline McEachern. If you receive a call from either of these ladies please be of assistance to them. Their efforts will swell one of our funds and they will need aid.

DO WE HAVE any talent in our membership to prepare a float or decorated car or truck for the Independence Day parade? Only one month away!

HOSPITALITY HOSTESSES for the May meeting were Helen Pye, Mildred Holmes, assisted by Ruth Burnham and Hazel Kelleher. Our hostesses must all be very fine homemakers if the refreshments they serve us monthly are any criterion. ..we never go home wanting.

SPEAKERS at the May meeting were Past President Phyllis Batchelder, who spoke interestingly on the history of the Universalist Church (on the green); and Esther Hill, our Corresponding Secretary, who read a nicely prepared piece on "Lucy's Rag Doll" and the old Wentworth House (now the Mary Baker Eddy Museum). Our own membership, apparently, has an endless supply of speakers on varied subjects of interest. Perhaps you, too, have a pet subject which can be prepared as a twenty-minute talk, preferably illustrated or accompanied by a display. You don't know until you try. Think about it.

STATE FLOWER, the Mayflower, also-commonly known as the ground laurel or trailing arbutus, has fragrant, pink or-white, spring-blooming flowers with five petals. It grows in woods, preferably in Sandy or rocky soil, under or near evergreens. It was adopted as the-official flower of the Commonwealth on May 1, 1918 (it is a protected species so just look...don't touch)... HAVE A FINE SUMMER.

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