:::: NEWSLETTER::::: 


(Regular meetings third Monday at 7:30 PM) 


Volume V, Numbers 6, 7, 8  - July, August, September 1974


WE'RE HEADING FOR A FALL . . . and a good one ... as we enter into the new season. Opening the 1974-75 season we are fortunate in having John Stiles present an illustrated talk entitled "CONFLAGRATION.'". John says he has a couple of surprises in his program. Following the slide program we will be treated to refreshments during the social hour. Come and renew friendships.

WHEN FIRST THE "NEWSLETTER" was published it was sent to a membership of 99 persons. Ye ol' Ed has patiently waited for the mailing list to double. In May of this year it did. Now ... if attendance would double . . .

ONCE AGAIN we remind the membership that dues are due now (those who have already paid for the coming season will find their new card delivered with  this letter). Your dues should be mailed to us at Box 349, Stoughton; or, at latest, brought to the September meeting on September 16.

OFFICERS for 1974-75 are: President, Ed Meserve; Vice-President, Gus Winroth, Second Vice-Pres., Carl Smith; Treasurer, Angie McEachern; Recording Secretary, Norma Sullivan; Corresponding Sec'y, Eleanor Meserve; Membership Sec'y, Frances Podgurski; Curator-Historian. John Stiles. The Board of Trustees is: Ted Graham, Ken Healy, Hank Herbowy, Esther Hill, Clyde Holmes. Fred Kelleher, Allan Rowbotham, Amy Terrell. Eleanor Meserve is responsible this season for the Hospitality Hostesses. (Volunteers requested.) The two immediate past presidents serve on the Board of Trustees.

THERE ARE MANY fields of endeavor open to all of us in the Society. There is a need for help in some areas if we are to open our doors to the public. Since we have moved out of the lower rooms we have assumed a duty to Our Town to receive visitors on a regular schedule. It is not unreasonable to expect the Lucius Clapp Memorial to be open from four to eight hours weekly. Two hours at a time is all that is asked of volunteers. Such volunteers will attend to cataloging and filing, preparing displays, or Just be present during regular opening hours. We already have a nucleus . . . help it grow. "Many hands make light work,"

WE CONTINUE to receive interesting gifts, even throughout the summer: from the Stoughton Co-operative Bank through the courtesy of Roy Clark has come another volume for the reading room entitled "First Ladies Cook Book"; and from a friend in Nantucket through member Eugene Schwaab we have a handwritten notice to the constable of Stoughton dated 1767. A member of the First Pariah Church has very generously given a sum of money to be used for framing the portrait of Gov. Stoughton (given last spring by past president Phyllis Batchelder). Wilfred Hooper donated a variety of items including an ornate communion set, some interesting photos, a pie rack, ice tongs, souvenir programs, and ration books from WW II, Joe ("Brick") O'Brien, now of California, made As a gift of a satellite photo of the area just north of Boston. And, from a thoughtful member: some postage stamps to help our our expenses somewhat.

A CHALLENGE . . . Can you name and locate the three (or more?) houses in Our Town which were stations on the underground railroad during Civil War days? We are anxious to learn of all of them.

WE STILL SEARCH for copies of the Stoughton high school publications, the "Semaphore" and the "Stotonian", as well as tax lists and lists of voters. These volumes are a wealth of information about Stoughton.

BY THE TIME you read this, George Giddings and Ed Meserve will have participated in a reenactment of the events leading to and including the signing of the Suffolk Resolves. Stoughton was, in 1774, very much involved in these events and it is on this basis that we can claim Stoughton as the Birthplace of American Independence. (Note: The Declaration of Independence now rests between panes of glass in an atmosphere of almost pure helium.)

IN JUNE, we included a money maker to be used during July or August. Be sure to mail your check to Box 349, Stoughton, or bring your contribution to the next meeting on September 16 at 7:30.

WHAT IS TOUR SUGGESTION for the Stoughton Historical Society's participation in the 250th Anniversary Celebration? We are already committed to a birthday open house for one full day but we should do something pore significant. You may make your suggestion anonymously if you wish to avoid being appointed to a committee ... WE NEED IDEAS.

IT WAS OK SATURDAY, the 14th of June, 1777 that the following resolution was offered in the American Congress "Resolved that the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the Union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation." This is the first and only legislative action of which there is' any record for the establishment of a national flag for the Sovereign United States of America, declared independent on July 4th, 1776.

READ AND FORGET . . . Puritan law required that intentions of marriage be published three times at a public meeting or posted in a conspicuous spot for fifteen days. A Puritan law in 1638 stated that a man could be fined or punished for proposing to a lady without obtaining her parents' consent. . . . The official song of the Commonwealth, "Will Hail To Massachusetts", words and music by Arthur J. Harsh, was designated by an Act of the Legislature on September 3, 1966.

READ ADD REMEMBER . . . Next meeting: September 16 at 7:30.


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