1895 ...                                              THE STOUGHTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY                                                        ... 1970


[Vol. 1 - No. 1 - February 1970]

At the Annual Meeting held on January 19, The Stoughton Historical Society elected the following officers: Presidents, Phyllis Batchelder; First Vice Pres., Carl L. Smith; Second Vice Pres. Robert L. Benson; Sec., Ruth L. Pistor; Treas., Frank W. Reynolds; Custodian & Historian, Gustav T. Winroth. Trustees for the coming year: (alphabetically) Harold L. Drown, Henry Herbowy, Esther Hill, Charles H. McNamara, Amy Terrell, Charles Vermoskie and Gustav T. Winrorth.

Following elections and appointments Miss Cheryl French, brought Mexico to us through colored slides and a discussion of the local customs and physical features of the Country.

During the Special Officers Meeting on January 26 Mr. Dan Falvey, representing the Site Committee of the Youth Advisory Board, was present to discuss problems of joint occupancy of the Lucius Clapp Building. Mr. Falvey outlined the proposed use of the main floor of the building and heard our concerns in regard to future joint use of the building by the Historical Society and a "drop-in" youth center. {On January 27 the Selectmen voted unanimously to allow the Youth Advisory Board to use the Memorial Building as a temporary site for the Stoughton Youth Center for a period up to two years.}

A second Special Meeting was held on February 2, This was a general cleanup and rearranging session. Everything looks much nicer now.

NEXT REGULAR MEETING will be on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, at 8:00 p.m. in the Society's rooms in the basement of the Lucius Clapp Memorial Building (the old library). Visitors and new members are welcome. The program will be "Museum Night". We will go over some of our stored treasures in order to display them in the cases so kindly donated by the Masonic Lodge. We hope to have the display cabinet in place for the meeting.

NOTES from here and there . . . We have received a letter and some historical notes from Carl Smith (Past Pres. and present First Vice Pres.) in which he begins a series of articles dealing with the development of public transportation in the Stoughton area. Ye ol' editor has read the first of the series with interest and will include Mr. Smith's chronology in the next NEWSLETTER. We are all new at producing this little pub'n and, due to the fact that there were three meetings to report and one to announce, we are not too sure that we are going to contain all on one sheet. So far, Mr. Smith and our secretary, Mrs. Pistor have supplied the notes for this issue. Let's hear from some others (just a note with some bit of local history will be sufficient...Did you know that we are members of the Bay State Historical League who would appreciate news for their bulleting published quarterly?... Because we are starting "from scratch" with this NEWSLETTER we can use all the help we can muster...We need notes of other Societies' activities, historical notes, bits of family lore, reports of contacts made with other interested parties, what-have-you... We'll stockpile whatever excess material we receive and will surely use it in future issues of the NEWSLETTER. And...ye ol' ed. would like to have a name for this little pub'n: a name fitting our Society and our town... REMEMBER Monday, February 16 at 8 p.m.


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