:::: NEWSLETTER::::: 


(Regular meetings third Monday at 7:30 PM) 


Volume IV, Number 11  - December 1973


OUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETINGS are as follows: Regular monthly meeting: is the third Monday of each month with the exception of July and August: the meeting of the officers and trustees is the first Tuesday of each month, excepting July. Special meetings may be called at any time "but are quite rare due to the frequency of the trustees' meetings,

HOW MUCH MONEY is in thirty-seven pounds of pennies? We had received prior to last meeting, just that many pennies from Clyde and Ethel Holmes who had been saving then in a jug for over three years. At the November meeting we had a guessing contest regarding the above question. Evelyn Healy came closest to being accurate and took home a modest prize. Ye ol' Ed had the dubious honor of carrying home and counting the coins which amounted to $53.36 . . . 

AS VOTED by the Town Meeting Members last Spring, the Lucius Clapp Memorial now has a nice bright new coat of paint on the trim and looks fine. It will present a much better appearance day and night and we can be thankful that the town fathers saw fit to put the article into the Town Meeting warrant. The broken windows which were square have been replaced and the curved panes are being "pane-stakingly" replaced by Ken Healy, trying to beat the winter storms. (Ken is a regular on the small working staff now maintaining the building. We can use more like him, Referring back to the first paragraph: another regular meeting is the work party each Thursday evening at 7 p.m. ... if you do not know what you might do to assist us, just come along anyway and we'll show you what needs finishing.)

OUR GUEST and SPEAKER at the December 17 meeting will be Duncan Oliver, immediate Past President of the Easton Historical Society. His subject will be New England architectural development and his approach will be unique as indicated by the title he has chosen: "Learning How to Date Your Neighborhood". This program will be an interesting illustrated talk by one who knows his subject.

HOSPITALITY HOSTESSES for December Trill be Frances Podgurski and Eva Graham, assisted by Ann Podgurski. Bring a guest, preferably a new member, to enjoy a fine program followed by fine refreshments.

AT PRESENT, ten members of our Society are active on the 250th Anniversary Committee appointed by the Town Manager and progress is being made in the organization of the various subcommittees. The meetings of the Committee, chaired by Bob DiMatteo, are all open meetings. Watch the papers for the announcement of the next date shortly after the holidays.

OUR SOCIETY'S contribution to the 250th celebration is financed by the sales of note paper at only $1.50 a box (available at each meeting) and by your Birthday Bags. Please continue to bring the bags to meetings and, remember, the note paper is a fine, inexpensive gift for a friend at Christmas. One other fine and thoughtful gift is a two-dollar membership in the Society.


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