:::: NEWSLETTER::::: 


(Regular meetings third Monday at 7:30 PM) 


Volume IV, Number 3  - April 1973


AT THE MARCH MEETING we were favored with the presence of Al Fiore of the Conservation Commission. Mr. Fiore spoke of the varied activities and aims of the commission and explained to us just where our tax dollars go when channeled through the ConCom. At the conclusion of his talk he answered some quite pertinent questions from his audience, all interested in saving all that is good in our town, including fast disappearing open space and woodlands. The point was made very clear during the question and answer period that water is now our most precious resource and that we should support every move of the ConCom in their attempts to solve the problem of providing a continuing supply of clean water and proper methods of controlling runoff.

HELP WANTED by the folks arranging the Tour of Homes on May 12. The committee, consisting of Marie Sheehan, Angeline McEachern, and Amy Terrell can use help in many small ways and request the assistance of all members. At the present time there are six definite places on the tour with a possible seventh to be added. We will need members at each place to sort of act as "policemen" and hosts and hostesses. The tour will take place from 11 a.m. till 5 p.m. and will be self-guided from the starting point at the Lucius Clapp Memorial where refreshments will be available during and following the tour. We are taking this opportunity to hold Open House as well and will need a number of people as hosts and hostesses and "observers" in the Clapp Memorial. There are really no demanding positions to be filled but many important ones. Here's a chance for you to put on your best duds and meet some nice people. Natalie Fee our new Corresponding Secretary, will be contacting some of you soon to assist with refreshments. Please call Marie at 344-9719, Angeline at 344-2014 or Amy at 344-2222 to offer your services on this most important day of our current season. AND, to purchase your own ticket you will need but $2.50 in advance (or $3.00 at the door) payable either to Marie or Angeline. Watch the papers for advertising of the Open House and Tour of Homes on May 12th. Some of our merchants are donating their service... let's show them we are willing to help, too.

GIVEN IN MARCH were Stoughton Rotary Club's Million Dollar Meal banner from Fred Lipsky (the Lipsky's enclosed a generous money gift as well) an oak oval, table from the Town Hall, huge key to the French & Ward mill from Ken Healey: J.F.K. Memorial Editions of the Boston "Globe." and now defunct "Look" magazine from Rose Forte: a variety of clippings of local interest from Carl L. Smith: flag bearer's leather holder from Joe McSweeney who presented, also, an old Army issue knife; jewelry made with use of the hair of the owner, Mrs. Porter, Sr. , presented by A. Nony Mous.

COMING: Tour of Homes and Open House on May 12; annual pilgrimage in June (date undecided): at North Easton: Annual Antique Auto Meet on May 20 at noon at the depot.

BIRTHDAY GREETINGS to Jeanette Hill, Marian Balamoutis, Elsie Otto, Charles Hill, Jr., Frank W. Reynolds and Mildred Harwood who share the month with Audubon, Truman, Wm. Seward, Gen. Greene, Walt Whitman and J.F.K.

DURING THE 200th ANNIVERSARY celebration in 1926 Mrs. Alice Gray Teele was in charge of the Colonial Loan Exhibit in the Chicataubut Hall and welcomed over 900 visitors from fifteen states. The public library, normally open only two hours, was opened daily from ten till nine and Miss Alice Leary and her staff registered around 500 visitors. On display in the Library throughout Anniversary Week were paintings shown by F. Mortimer Lamb and Charles Vermoskie. In the Town Hall was the Industrial and Trade Exhibit where 23 firms showed their goods under the organization of John Rogers. Chairman John Kelleher ran one of the state's most successful Athletic Meets; and concessions, handled by Frank Shay, were a good source of revenue. The Boy Scouts assisted William B. Henry with the parking of cars. Dr. Edward Hilts Ewing edited the souvenir program; George Adolph Gerard was the photographer; Daniel Francis Hart, artist; Harry Tolman of Tolman-Davidson Advertising donated his talents and time. The Sunday concert included five compositions of Edwin A. Jones and one by Laura Gebhardt (Lyrics by Henri L. Johnson). George Malcolm was chairman of the committee responsible for a most wonderful parade; Timothy Daly headed the Citizenship Day Committee; Judge Oscar Marden secured the Rev. Charles Beals, native son of Stoughton as speaker at the banquet which was arranged by Owen McGarvey. (Many well-known Stoughton folks were very active in the celebration and their numbers are, too great to list here. An odd foot note to the official report of the 200th anniversary celebration is that af all the memorabilia such as the souvenir badges, tickets, etc., the one thing still in many homes in Stoughton is the only investment which lost money -- the souvenir program.

NEXT MEETING ... April 16.. Past president Phyllis Batchelder will present the program titled "Bitters Bottles". Come and see if she has a Stoughton Bitters Bottle.

A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT: "I cannot stress too strongly the importance of assisting our committees who are already working quite hard to improve pur "home" which we are so fortunate to occupy. We must all recall the days when we were so uncomfortably hidden away in the basement and be thankful to be up in the daylight where we can show off our artifacts. All of our committees are working toward the end of making the building a pleasant place for the public...not just ourselves. Please help; and begin by calling Marie, Angie, or Amy. And, gentlemen, the work party on Thursdays at seven is growing...but not enough yet." ED.


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