Compiled by Daniel T. V. Huntoon.

 History of the Town of Canton, Norfolk County, Massachusetts (Cambridge, Mass., John Wilson and Son, 1893), p. 639-642


The names of the residents of those being taxed in the south part of Stoughton are written initalics with an asterik (*).



Aldis, Widow  

Andrews, James                                   

Andrews, Samuel  

*Atherton, Humphrey

Avery, Robert

Avery, William

Ayers, Nathaniel 





Bacon, John, Sr.

Bailey, Edward

Bailey, Richard  

*Baker, John

Baker, Joseph

*Beacon, William

*Billings, Benjamin

*Billings, Beriah

*Billings, Bezliel

*Billings, Ebenezer

*Billings, Elkanah

*Billings, Jonathan

Billings, Joseph

* Billings, Samuel

Billings, Stephen

Billings, William

* Bird, Samuel

Blackman, Benjamin

Blackman, George

Blake, Edward

Blake, Nathaniel

* Bowen, Elizabeth 

* Bullard, Ebenezer

* Bullard, John

* Bullard, Samuel

* Bullard, Samuel & Co.

* Bullard, Samuel Jr.

Bullard, William





* Chandler, Jonathan

* Chandler, Samuel

Clap, Ebenezer

Clarke, John  

* Cobb, John

Colburn, Benjamin  

* Colburn, Ephraim

* Colburn, Joseph

* Colburn, Nathaniel

* Collick, Cornelius

* Commis, Isaac

* Cony, Nathaniel

* Cony, Nathaniel Jr.

Crane, Silas

Crane, Edward

Crane, William

Crehore, John

Crehore, Samuel

Crehore, Timothy, Jr.

Curtis, Moses 






* Dean, John Jr.

* Dean, Ebenezer

Done, Edward

Draper, James
Draper, Ebenezer

Draper, Nathaniel

Dwelly, Samuel






Eaton, John

Ellis, John  

* Ellis, Joseph

* Ellis, Joseph Jr.

Emery, Samuel

Endicott, James  

* Esty, Benjamin

Esty, Benjamin, Jr.

Esty, Edward  

* Esty, Jacob

Esty, Joseph Jr.

* Esty, Samuel

* Evered, John

* Evered, William 

Everett, Richard






* Fairbanks, Benjamin

* Fales, James

Fales, James  

Fales, Stephen

* Farrington, John

Farrington, Jonathan

Fenno, Benjamin

Fenno, Benjamin Jr.

Fenno, Isaac

Fenno, John

Fenno, John, Jr.

Fenno, Joseph  

* Fisher, Daniel

* Fisher, James

Fisher, Jeremiah

Fisher, Josiah

French, William  

* Fuller, Jeremiah

* Fuller, John

Fuller, John






Gay, John

Gay, Benjamin

* Gay, Hezekiah

* Gay, John Jr.

* Gay, Luther

* Gay, Nathaniel

* Gay, Timothy

Gill, Benjamin

Gill, Moses

Glover, Edward

Goodwin, Philip  

* Guild, Nathaniel

Guild, Samuel





* Hartwell, Joseph

Hartwell, Samuel  

* Haws, Desire

* Haws, Eleazer

Haws, John  

* Haws, Obadiah

* Healey, Ebenezer

* Hering, Thomas

* Hewins, Benjamin

* Hewins, Joseph

* Hewins, Joseph Jr.

* Hixon, John

* Hixon, Richard

* Hixon, Walter

* Hobbs, Matthew

* Holmes, John

* Holmes, Samuel

* Holmes, Widow

Houghton, Joseph

Hubbard, Nathaniel

Hunting, John

Hunting, Jonathan






Jones, Ebenezer & Co.

Jones, Timothy

Jordan, Benjamin  

* Jordan, Jonathan

Jordan, Joseph

Jordan, Thomas




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* Kingsbury, Eliezer

* Kingsbury, Jeremiah

* Kingsbury, Nathaniel

Kinnee, John

Kinnee, Jonathan





* Leonard, Uriah

* Lewis, Johnn

* Lewis, William

Liscom, John

Liscom, Philip

Liscom, Philip, Jr.

Lyon, Peter

Lyon, Peter,  Jr.

Lyon, Elhanan

* Lyon, Zachariah 





* Maccarty, James

* Mackwethy, James

Macknab, John  

* Maudsley & Co.

* Meed, Thomas

Metcalf, Michael

Metcalf, John

Metcalf, Nathaniel

Metcalf, Sarah

* Morse, Ezra

* Morse, Ezra Jr.

Morse, Joseph, Jr.

Monk, Elias

Monk. Elias, Jr.

Monk, George





Newton , Ephraim

Norton, Joshua





Ockington, Thomas

* Onyon, Jonathan





* Paison, Ephraim

Palmer, Elisha

Pelton, Robert  

* Perrigoe, James

* Pettingill, Daniel

Pitcher, Edward  

* Pitty, Simon

Pond, Jabez

Pond, Joshua

Pratt, Joseph  

* Pribble, Nathaniel

Puffer, John

Puffer, John, Jr.

Pumrey, Joshua  





Redman, Robert  

* Rhodes, Eleazer

* Richards, John

Richards, Judith

Royal, Isaac

Royal, Isaac & Co.





Sawin, Joseph  

* Sewell, Benjamin

Shepard, John

Sherman, William (father of Roger Sherman)

Smith, Benjamin

* Smith, John

* Smith, Joseph

Smith, Joseph  

Spurr, Thomas  

Starr, Comfort  

* Stearns, Isaac

* Stearns, Isaac Jr.

* Stearns, Jonathan

* Stearns, Nathaniel

* Stearns, Simon

Stebbins, John

Stone, Daniel

Stone, David

Sumner, George

Sumner, William

Swan, Robert





Talbot, George

* Thompson, Benjamin

* Thompson, Cornealius

* Thorpe, Samuel

Tilden, David

Tolman, Bliss

Tolman, David

Tolman, Thomas  

* Tolman, Timothy

Topliff, Joseph & Co.

Topliff, Joseph

* Trescott, Joseph

Trescott, Samuel

Tucker, James  

* Tucker, Joseph

Tucker, Manasseh




Vose, David

Vose, Henry

Vose, John

Vose, Joshua





Wadsworth, George

Warren, Ebenezer

Warren, Jonathan

Ware, Samuel

Weeks, William

Wentworth, Charles

Wentworth, Edward.

Wentworth, John

Wentworth, Shubael

Wheeler, William  

* White, Benjamin

* White, James

* White, John

* White, Josiah

* White, Moses

Whiting, Jeremiah.

Whiting, Nathaniel

Whiting, Samuel

Whiting, Joseph

Whiting, Timothy

Wight, David

Wight, Daniel

Wight, Joseph

Wight, Joseph, Jr.  

* Willington, Ebenezer

Wilson Ephraim

Wilson, Ephraim, Jr.

Williams, John

Williams, Richard

Withington, John

Woodward, Ebenezer

Woodward, William

Wyatt, Abigail